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23rd December, 2021

It is with considerable regret that we must announce that The British Players Curling Championship (BPCC) to be held at Curl Edinburgh from 21st to 23rd January 2022 is to be postponed due primarily to the increased COVID protocols and restrictions recently announced. 

After consulting with Curl Edinburgh the BPCC committee have reached the conclusion we are unable to run this event under the current government guidance.  The committee are determined this new and exciting competition will meet its objectives both on and off the ice and with further restrictions possible in the new year we felt we had no other choice than to postpone the event.  

A major headline sponsor has been secured and a diverse field from across the UK has shown considerable interest, which reinforces our view that there is a substantial demand for the event.  We are therefore currently in discussions with Curl Edinburgh to identify another suitable date in this curling season.

The BPCC committee remain committed to holding the BPCC and we would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and thank you for your continued support.

M.S. Ferguson

BPCC Chairman.


January 11. 2021

The impact of this stop/start season continues with CurlEdinburgh announcing the suspension of curling at Murrayfield for the rest of this season, joining most other rinks across the country who have had to arrive at this heart-breaking and difficult decision.

Obviously, this means the BPCC will not be going ahead this season a fact that was becoming ever clearer as the weeks went on through this dreadful crisis.

The committee would like to express their grateful thanks to all the teams who registered an interest in playing in the competition.

Such was the interest we can confirm that we will proceed with our plans for this new and exciting event to be played in Season 2021/22, assuming we are back on the ice by then.

If you have managed to get any curling this season, we hoped you enjoyed it and we look forward to the day we can all get back on the ice.

Take care, stay safe and we will keep everyone informed as matters progress.

M.S. Ferguson

BPCC Chairman.

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